Edged Weapons

Displaying 1 - 25 of 27 items
New Item #C5932

African Battle Axe Antique

  • Price: $525.00 CAD
  • Description:

    This tribal axe shows a 20" shaft mounted with a 4 ring iron cap and original leather strap.  The piece shows a 13" iron spike and head.  The head shows remnants of original carved markings.  This

New Item #C5925

African Fighting Axe Circa 1850

  • Price: $350.00 CAD
  • Description:

    This example may be a Ukwambi fighting axe from Namibia circa 1850 showing obvious age both metal and wood.  The piece shows a 4 1/2" blacksmith forged blade with a 2" socket.  The shaft measures 2

New Item #C5926

Boy's African Fighting Axe

  • Price: $225.00 CAD
  • Description:

    This item appears to be a boy's fighting axe which is basically a scaled down version of a Ukwambi tribal fighting axe from late 1800's.  The blade is 4" of forged iron with probably a rear spike t

New Item #C5924

British Pattern 1803 General Officers Sword

  • Price: $3,250.00 CAD
  • Description:

    We are pleased to offer a Pattern 1803 General Officers sword.  The 27" curved blade shows a dragon and the head of an Eastern Gentleman engraved on the 10" of the blade adjoning the guard.  Thr gu

New Item #C5922

British Naval Dirk

  • Price: $995.00 CAD
  • Description:

    An excellent example of a 19th century British navy curved blade dirk.  This example shows a checkered ivory grip with a lions head showing remnants of original gold flashing.  The curved blade is

New Item #C5912

Officers Dress Sword and Scabbard

  • Price: $325.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Officer's dress sword, 33" excellent blade.  The hilt shows an inner shell that is hinged to fold downwards to prevent rubbing.  The original scabbard is in sound condition.  The fish skin cover of

Item #C5820

Original Borneo Headhunters Sword

  • Price: $1,295.00 CAD
  • Description:

    This example is all original and not a reproduction.  The sword is 21".  The right side shows double row of circular inlays.  The left side shows a concave from grip to the point.  The grip appears

Item #C5778

French Sword Circa 1850 Era By Stopin

  • Price: $950.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Sword built or retailed by Paul Stopin(1818-1878) purveyor of medals,clothing at Palais Royal in Paris up to 1878. He was known as a maker & retailer of medals and related materials including s

Item #C5776

English or Court Sword by Hill Brothers

  • Price: $695.00 CAD
  • Description:

    An excellent example of a court and or a diplomatic corps sword. This example was built by Hill Brothers,Old Bond Street, London West.

Item #C5753

Handmade Knife Probably Ship Built

  • Price: $150.00 CAD
  • Description:

    A hand made knife showing a 5 3/4" steel blade with grips made of plexiglass or similar material and the letter A marked on the top.  The brass pommel was filed from a piece of scrap brass.  A hand

Item #C5742

Lot of 7 Original Nepalese/Indian Knives

  • Price: $250.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Lot of 3 pairs of small knives that came with the Kukri knife.    One of the each pair has a sharpened blade called a Karda.  The second blade is unsharpened and was called a Chakmak.  This  was us

Item #C5688

Belgian FN Bayonet

  • Price: $135.00 CAD
  • Description:

    NSN is a FN light automatic carbine bayonet.  All steel construction bayonet & scabbard in excellent plus condition.

Item #C5643

Swiss Army Knife & Pouch

  • Price: $90.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Swiss knife, 2 blades, screw driver, bottle opener, cork screw, razor blade, as new condition, never sharpened piece.

Item #C5642

Buck 110 C Knife GST Melt Shop Steel Worker

  • Price: $90.00 CAD
  • Description:

    New unsharpened condition Buck knife and orginal pouch.  Blade marked GST Melt Shop, Steel Worker.  A knife collection grade item.

Item #C5624

U.S. Bayonet in Unissued Condition

  • Price: $175.00 CAD
  • Description:

    1.   All original and unissued U.S. Civil War bayonet.  This example shows a mint blade 16 1/2" long.  The ricasso shows the U.S.

Item #C5461

French Model 1874 Bayonet Built by Steyr

  • Price: $225.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Excellent example of a French Model 1874 bayonet built by Steyr of Austria.  The back is engraved Waffenfabrik Steyr 1881.  An excellent plus blade.  The serial number #15276 is marked on the cross

Item #C5185

Swedish 1894/14 Bayonet

  • Price: $175.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Very good plus to excellent Swedish bayonet built for various Swedish issued weapons. Clear maker marks EJ Crown Anchor AB. Reference: Item 227 "Bayonets of the World" by Kiesling, Page 458.

Item #C5347

Javenese Djogiakata Kris

  • Price: $450.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Javanese (Djogjakata) Kris.  Late 18th century.  This piece shows a winged wood scabbard with a highly decorated front face.  The silver type of material shows numerous snakes, flowers and birds. 

Item #C4998

Kris Traditional Straight Blade Dagger

  • Price: $175.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Kris, probably from Jana, probably early 1900 era.  This example shows a straight 12" Damascus blade.  A very good grip with traditional 2 carved figures and a small chip missing from one side of t

Item #C4253

Original US WW2 Combat Knife

  • Price: $195.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Original US WW2 Model 2250 combat military knife with original sheath.  This WW2 example shows obvious usage and issue marks.  The blade shows sharpening but clear makers marks.  The leather grips

Item #C3954

Unidentified British Socket Bayonet

  • Price: $150.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Excellent plus example of this broad arrow WD crown,inspector marked socket bayonet.  We have not identified the model of rifle for this bayonet.  It shows a 3"/ 75mm socket.  The opening is 3/4"/1

Item #C668

WW2 Era Philippine Bolo & Scabbard

  • Price: $235.00 CAD
  • Description:

    This piece is a Philippine Bolo (Long Knife).  This bolo shows a typical 14" blade and is mounted with a wood handle in the arm & fist configeration.  This piece rides in a carved wood scabbard

Item #C5268

Canada Militia Sussex NB Bayonet

  • Price: $295.00 CAD
  • Description:

    Snider Enfield Bayonet.  The scabbard frog stud is marked 74 over 15.  The 74th Battalion of Infantry was located in Sussex, New Brunswick.  The socket is marked 1155 which would have been an inven

Item #C5013

Fire Place Tools Built From French Bayonets

  • Price: $795.00 CAD
  • Description:

    AN interesting set of fireplace tools.  This set was built from French Model 1866/74 Chassepot and Gras bayonets.  The set consists of 3 tools and a pair of stands to hold the same.  These were pro
