British Pattern 1803 General Officers Sword
- Price: $3,250.00 CAD
- Maker:
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- Caliber/Gauge:
- Description:
We are pleased to offer a Pattern 1803 General Officers sword. The 27" curved blade shows a dragon and the head of an Eastern Gentleman engraved on the 10" of the blade adjoning the guard. Thr guard shows the typical lions head back plate. The grips are ivory with one small chip on the right side adjoining the back plate. Cast in the guard is the rifle regimental horn and the crown GR. The guard does not appear to be a standard pattern which suggest it was built aspeciallly for a senior officer of the British rifle regiments stationed in the East or India. The royal cycpher on the guard is to George III 1760-1820. The sword rides in it's original leather scabbard with brass fittings flashed with gold as is the hilt. A less than common sword.