Winchester Model 1912

Non-restricted Item #C4259

Winchester Model 1912

  • Licensing Category: Non-restricted
  • Maker: Winchester
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    SN 251560 is a Winchester Model 1912 built in 1921 as a 32" barrel, full choked trap gun.  This gun shows a factory Winchester solid rib.  This example shows trap below the serial number.  The butt shows the black diamond which indicates the gun was called "The Black Diamond" grade with the higher grade of wood with hand checkering.  This Model 12 shows features that are far less encountered.  Unfortunately, this rather scarce Model 12 was used extensively by the owner.  This usage led to a total refurbishing by a compentent and well known Maritime gun smith.  This piece shows a bright excellent bore.  The barrel and receiver show all the original markings and a total rebluing of the metal.  The wood is original showing the small checkered forward.  The butt shows black diamond factory checkering and high grain factory wood.  This stock was extended 3/4" and mounted with a Pachmyar pad.  If this Winchester was in original finish it would be worth mutiple thousands.  As is, this shotgun is still a sound representative 12 gauge trap gun with all of it's special features.

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