Unique WW1 Memorial Plaque as Mailed

Item #C4986

Unique WW1 Memorial Plaque as Mailed

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  • Description:

    Originlal mint condiiton plaque named to John Angus McIver.  This piece comes in it's complete mailed package.  This includes the inner envelope, return card, King's message and the original mailer with cancellation stamps, July 28 1921.  All components show the #769190 regimental number.  John Angus McIver was born in 1879 at Hazelton, Cape Breton N.S.  He served for 3 years in the 94 Highlanders.  He enlistd at Montreal in the 148th Battalion 19 Feb 1916.  He was killed while servicing in the 24 Battalion on the 12 Oct 1917 in the general area of Passchendaele ,France.  A complete unit for the memorial plaque collection.