Colt 1860 Army Civil War Issue

Antique Item #C2973

Colt 1860 Army Civil War Issue

  • Licensing Category: Antique
  • Maker: Colt
  • Model: Army
  • Caliber/Gauge: .44 Cal

  • Description:

    SN 109296 is a Colt New Model 1860 Army revolver built in 1863 for the Union army.  This revolver shows an overall grey finish and is all matching except for the original but un-numbered wedge.  This example shows a typical corroded bore with sound rifling rating at antique very good.  The piece shows all of the U.S. inspector marks, GG on the barrel, 0 on the straps, G&B on the cylinder.  The left grip panel shows the imprint of the inspector/acceptance mark.  The action functions with a sound cylinder lock up and a crisp action.  The barrel and cylinder markings are clear, the frame markings are partially oblitereated.  A very good representative issue revolver.