Colt 1851 Canadian Militia Revolvers

Antique Item #C5024

Colt 1851 Canadian Militia Revolvers

  • Price: $14,950.00 CAD
  • Licensing Category: Antique
  • Maker: Colt
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    We are pleased to offer two Colt 1851 Navy revolvers.  Both of these pistols were issued to the York Upper Canada Militia. 

    SN 29065 was one of 52 issued to D company.  This example shows a matching frame, butt strap and grips.  The balance of numbers do not match.  The general consensus is that some of the revolvers were disassembled at time of issue foro cleaning.  The same were reassembled with little regard for rematching numbers.  The example shows a tight crisp action.  The grips show the UC ( Upper Canada) troop D issue #35 of the 52 issued.  The right grip panel also shows the crown 15 proof.

    SN 28833 shows the matching numbers on the frame, trigger guard and butt strap.  This Colt was issued to to York Upper Canada Militia Company E, one of 38 issued.  The left grip panel shows the UC Troop E number 21 out of the 38 issued.  The right grip shows the crown 15 proof.  This example shows a bright excellent plus bore, tight crisp action and clear proofs and cylinder sleeve.  As with the prior item the varnished grips show remnants of original finish.

    There were approxiamtely  800-811 of these Colts purchased by Canada for issue to the mounted troops.  The article by Paul Ledererin, Vol 27 No1(Feb 1989) accounted for 131 surviving examples of which these two were listed.  The book "51 Colt Navies" by Swayze covers the Canadian Colts, pages 181-185.  In addition he penned an article in the Canadian Journal of Arms collecting Vol 4 No 1 (1966).  This pair of Colt revolvers has  been in Nova Scotia for many years.  I believe and recall that this pair of Colts were part of the very extensive collection of the late Arthur Thurston of Yarmouth.  At it's height this collection contained hundreds of very scarce and valuable Colts.

    Our understanding is that this pair was acquired in settlement of a debt many years ago.  This is the first time these Colts haved been offered for sale.  An opportunity to purchase a pair of scarce Canadian issued antique Colt revolvers.  Copies of the noted reference materials will be included.

    Anique percussion revolvers- no permit required to purchase or own.