Antique Item #C5084
Canadian Issue Pattern 1853 Rifled Musket
- Licensing Category: Antique
- Maker:
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- Caliber/Gauge:
- Description:
Antique 1853 (2nd Model) was a British issue and re-issued to the Canadian militia, The butt shows the BO mark struck off as well on the barrel breach. The butt tang shows the Canadian miltia marking L.C. C over #72. This musket shows the lockplate marked Crown VR and 1856 date (one of the contract muskets). The stock shows a better than average condition. The lock is sound with a crisp strong action. The base of the barrel shows numerous British proofs. The bore shows sound rifling and typical overall corrosion. Note : There is a slight bulge below the 3rd band that is not visable on the bore light. A relativel scarce pre-confederation Lower Canada Enfield. Antique