BSA 22 Caliber Target Rifle

Non-restricted Item #C5895

BSA 22 Caliber Target Rifle

  • Price: $850.00 CAD
  • Licensing Category: Non-restricted
  • Maker: BSA
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge: .22

  • Description:

    SN 21978 is a BSA 22 caliber target rifle, with a 29" barrel showing sound rifling with a ghost of a ring approximately 2  1/2" from muzzle.   Previous owner stated the ring never affected the accuracy of the rifle.  This example shows 95% of factory blue finish, a factory checkered forward and BSA target tang sight.  The butt stock appears to be a BSA target replaced stock.  The action lever was modified by former owner.  The forestock is factory checkered with a Parker Hale trap with sight disks.  The barrel shows 4 tap screws where a former owner had a scope.  A very good to excellent target 22 rifle.