Belguim Percussion Target Pistol

Antique Item #C5608

Belguim Percussion Target Pistol

  • Licensing Category: Antique
  • Maker: Belgium
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    Belguim built, single shot percussion pistol with 8" Damascus barrel. This pistol shows a multi grooved 48 caliber bore that remains in excellent condition. The backaction lock shows floral engraving as does the triggerguard and butt cap. The one piece walnut stock remains in sound condition with excellent checkering. The barrel shows a multi grooved rifling,approximately 30 grooves. The only marking on the piece is the ELG * proof on the left barrel flat. An excellent example for a 1860-70 era percussion pistol with an excellent & shootable bore. Antique status-not subject to registration.