Barnett Percussion Military 6 Bore Railgun

Antique Item #C1888

Barnett Percussion Military 6 Bore Railgun

  • Licensing Category: Antique
  • Maker:
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    We are pleased to offer a very unusual heavy barrel percussion Rail gun built by Bannett London.  Several hours of research has failed to locate a similar item.  This piece shows an overall length of 47" and a surplus 1840 era British Military lock marked Tower with a Victoria crown.  The barrel is 30" long with a very heavy wall 1/8" thickness at the muzzle.  (Oviously built for a very heavy charge). The 6 bore barrel measures 1" at the muzzle, built in a military configeration.  This musket was obviously built for a specific intended purpose. This piece may well have been built as a transportable Rail gun for wall defence or as a ship's gun.  Barnett was one of the principal gun suppliers to both sides in the U.S. Civil War.  In additon ,they were a prime supplier to the Hudson Bay and the North West Company in Canada.  This piece shows an unloaded weight of 11 lbs.  The barrel shows a brown petina finish and London proofs. The wood is very sound and shows only the Barnett name.  The brass nose cap was specifically built for this piece . The remaining fixtures appear to be military trade or surplus.  A very unusual item.  We certainly would appreciate any information on a similar item.