Remington 1870 Rolling Block Pistol

Antique Item #C3899

Remington 1870 Rolling Block Pistol

  • Licensing Category: Antique
  • Maker:
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    Antique U.S. Navy Model 1870 Remington rolling block pistol.  This example is 50 CF caliber, 7" barrel with a bright excellent bore.  The barrel shows the anchor and J.M.B.C. inspector's mark.  The right side of the frame shows the P. F.C.W. inspection mark.  The action is strong.  The wood shows its obvious usage and or normal service marks.  The left side of the frame shows the Remington pattern information. The Flayderman guide refers to this pistol as the Model 1867 which is not correct. Later works including , the book "Remington Rolling Block Pistols" by Jerry Landskron refer to this pistol as the Model 1870.  Chapter 9, pages 103 to 122 cover this pistol, its development and use in detail.  There were approximately only 6358 of these pistols modified for the U.S. Navy (1870-1875) . A sound example that shows an overall brown/blue finish with clear markings  Not a common antique pistol on the Canadian market. (Antique status) Not subject to permit to purchase or own.