Allen & Wheelock Army Revolver Possibly Canadian Issue
- Licensing Category: Antique
- Maker: Allen
- Model: Army
- Caliber/Gauge:
- Description:
SN 118 or batch number on various parts. This piece shows a bright excellent 44 lipfire bore. The finish is the remnants of the original blue with the majority flaked. The action is tight and crisp. The grips are correct but are probably old replacements. This piece was sourced out of Canada and may well be one of the small lot of 34 revolvers taken into Canadian militia stores in the 1860's. For reference see flayderman 5A-066 and page 19 and 110 of Clive Law's Book Canadian Military handguns 1855-1985. The number of this piece lies between the 10 recorded examples and serial #89, 90 and 127. We cannot confirm the above but there is a strong possibility that his piece was Canadian issued. A scarce revolver in better than average Condition.