Modern Tulle Fusil De Chasse Musket

Non-restricted Item #C1274

Modern Tulle Fusil De Chasse Musket

  • Licensing Category: Non-restricted
  • Maker: French
  • Model:
  • Caliber/Gauge:

  • Description:

    This is a modern made copy of the French Trade gun as used in Canada and the Northern Colonies.  This flintlock example was built from a track of the Wolf Kit which currently sell for over $700.00 US.  This piece shows a 42" barrel in 20 gauge that is in the octagon-to-round configeration.  This piece was built with the more expensive fancy maple stock.  For reference see "The Track of the Wolf "catelogue # 18 at page 104.  This piece was well built by the former owner and remains in excellent plus condition.